Don't Miss the Deadline - Take Part: Community BlueScapes
Community BlueScapes logo

Programme Timeline

  • Launch of the project

    March 2021





  • Hydrological modelling

    November 2022




    November 2022

    Understanding water and its movement throughout the borough.
  • Installation of Sustainable Drainage Systems

    December 2022




    December 2022

    We installed Sustainable Drainage Systems at Station Road and Rocks Lane.
  • Community engagement

    July 2023





    Our community work begins at Castelnau.
  • Volunteering programme

    December 2023





    Our volunteers begin work.
  • Climate and Nature Fair

    March 2024




    March 2024

    We held our first Fair at Lowther School in Castelnau.
  • Installation of Sustainable Drainage Systems

    May 2024




    May 2024

    We installed Sustainable Drainage Systems at Kitson Road.
  • Castelnau co-founders

    May 2024





    We will be recruiting and training co-founders at Castelnau to help us future-proof our neighbourhoods.
  • Pond installation

    June 2024





    We’ll be installing a new pond at Vine Road.
  • Reedbed installation

    July 2024





    We’ll build a new reedbed at Barnes Common.